An up-to-date computer lab provides enough workstations and the necessary hardware and software facilities by which students have access to online academic resources and all the means for making their own research and writing work. It provides professional software for statistical analysis and decision-making, as well as open-coding software necessary for working with graphics etc.
The teaching staff and students can take full advantage of the Department’s telecommunication services, made available through the University of the Peloponnese Data Network.
These include:
- Remote dial-up connection.
- E-Mail services Forum and News services.
- Data Transfer www-server for website hosting (sites of Department teaching members, courses, etc.).
- Virtual Private Network (VPN) facility that allows access to online bibliographical resources and academic journals.
- Distance-learning platform (through eclass).
- Online marking system (through e-secretary).
MA in Mediterranean Studies
Department of Political Science and International Relations
University of the Peloponnese
1 Aristotelous Str. & Athinon Ave.,
20132 Corinth, Greece
Tel. +30 27410 40048